Big Freedom Sale - Terms & Conditions
- Exclusive Offers : - No two offers can be combined during the Big Freedom Sale. Each offer is independent and cannot be clubbed with any other promotional deals or discounts.
- Add-On Sale : - The Add-On Sale will continue independently of the Big Freedom Sale. However, offers under the Freedom Sale cannot be combined with the Add-On Sale offers.
- EMI Option : - Easy Monthly Installments (EMI) are applicable on purchases made during the Big Freedom Sale, subject to eligibility and approval from participating banks and financial institutions.
- Limited Time Period : - The Big Freedom Sale is available for a limited period only. All offers are subject to availability and may change without prior notice.
- Final Decision : - The company reserves the right to alter, modify, or discontinue the sale and its offers without prior notice. The decision of the company in any dispute arising from this sale will be final and binding.
- Terms of Use : - All other standard terms of use and privacy policies of the website apply during the Big Freedom Sale.